Whats Marketing?
Marketing is why you have an artist from Atlanta traveling to California. Marketing is why a record label can hear you all the way across the U.S. Marketing are important for the record labels and for companies so you have to get in tuned with how it works. It’s important to do so in order to get ahead of the curve.
What is marketing though? It’s essentially like playing chess. You have to strategically place your pieces in different areas to try and take over the game. With marketing, you’re placing your music and image in different regional areas to try and gain fans in that area. These are the areas where you are most likely to be played on the radio, more likely to gain record sales there and more likely to have concerts in that area. When an artist gets marketed by a label they are marketing that person’s image. With the internet this is a lot easier than it was before but you still have a lot of other areas to conquer when it comes to marketing.
For instance, you have to have a great street team in order to gain an advantage in the streets. If you are going on tour, the best thing to have in every city is a street team that’s willing to go in that city and hang flyers and sell tickets and whatever their needed to do. A Street team is a good for marketing and promotion. Make sure if you get far in your journey you think about the possibilities of hiring a street team to further your revenue in each city. If you think creatively like that with marketing you have endless possibilities.
Promotion and Marketing go hand in hand but definitely have their differences. That doesn’t mean that they can’t go hand in hand and have the same budget. That also doesn’t mean that they are combined. You have to figure out how you’re going to promote yourself and where to market yourself. Figuring out steps you have to take and things you have to invest in come along the journey. There are many ways to market yourself but you have to find that right way that fits your needs and your scale of music