Preparing for a Release
Every Artist is eager to drop their first album or first mixtape but not every artist plans accordingly. If I had to bet, most don’t thoroughly plan out the strategy needed to make a project successful. This is the first step in taking your music seriously because in the music industry you have to have a master plan full of smaller more individual plans in order to propel into the light you desire. Do not take this process lightly because it could be the first thing towards a great career.
The first step in preparing for a release is to judge how serious it will be. Will it be a mixtape or an album? Will it be full of freestyles or will it be full of original content you paid for and own the rights to. Will it be non-profit? These are all questions you should be asking yourself. If it’s non- profit, you can probably get away with using other peoples beats without paying a fee since you’re not selling your finished project. If it’s full of freestyles, it really won’t be a mixtape that you can call your own because the someone already made the beat synonymous to their name. If you want to own the rights to all the music or already do, you can do whatever you want with that project. You can sell it or give it out for free. You can even pay for your singles that you sell and just release the project for free. You have to determine how serious you’re going to be with this project your releasing so you can determine what the project needs in terms of promotion, videos and other things.
The second step would be of course planning out how you plan to record your music. A home studio can be efficient for a mixtape, but if you’re really trying to reach a lot of people you have to make sure your quality are on point. Even if you record your album at home, make sure you take it to get properly mixed and mastered by an engineer. A great option would be to just record everything at a professional sounding studio. No matter what you do, make sure the quality of what you’re creating is at a professional level.