Startup Equipment For Producers
Everybody always wonders what do I need to start being a producer. The real answer to that is you dont need much. Eveyone has their own style of everything. Clothes, shoes, music, everyhing. So what you need to do is find the right sound for you and what fits your needs in order to excel.That is what you need to look for when looking for studio equipment, what you need.
When beginning your journey, you essentially need a DAW. A DAW or a digital audio workstation is the software that you need to produce music. This is what you record in, sequence in and other situations involving producing music. There are a lot of options to choose from. You need to make sure you can navigate all of the DAW’s tools. This is the most important decision since this is where all of your work will be saved and stored. Make sure you do your research and learn the basics of DAW’s.
The keyboard is of course very important. This is the place where you record everything your mind can create. Keyboards range from inexpensive to expensive and have a wide variety of uses. You can get a 25 key board or you can get a 49 key board. You can find keyboards with built in pads or you can find keyboards with knobs used for controlling levels. There are endless possibilities but you have to ask yourself how much work do you see yourself recording? Are you going to spend endless hours playing everything you record or will you use the software to program keys? I’m sure you can find a keyboard that fits your needs.
The audio interface is a key piece in your studio. This enhances your sound and enables you to record from a professional condensing microphone. It is an improvement from the standard sound card that comes with most computers. It is also the only way to hook up mixing speakers which are key to producers. I definitely recommend buying one of these. They are a little on the expensive side but you can find one cheap for around 80 or 90 dollars.
Your speakers are your best friend as a producer. You need to invest in these. You have to invest in these. The more advanced, the easier it is on you. Imagine your mixing a song through your desktop speakers. Of course they don’t have a powerful enough subwoofer to display the bass that you want so you turn the base all the way up. If you listened to that same bass through mixing speakers you will probably hear a much distorted bass or a very low bass because you mixed that bass through speakers that can’t deliver all of your sound. You need speakers that you can hear every single instrument in so that you can get that sound ready to be heard through every speaker.
There are so many MIDI keyboards and pads and plugins and a lot of other useful components to add to your arsenal. There are many ways to set up a home studio. There are many ways to record a song. There are many ways for a lot of things but the only way you need to know of is your own. The producer doesn’t make the gear, the gear makes the producer.